Nekilnojamas turtas, būstas, butai, namai, kotedžai, sklypai, sodai ir sodybos, patalpos, garažai, patalpos, NT užsienyje. Visi NT skelbimai, kokybiška NT paieška.
Skelbimai | Mano duomenys | Mano skelbimai | Greita paieška Išplėstinė paieška
Kaina: 175096 EUR

Parduoda butą, Vilnius

Rif.78 New apartment in Olbia, Sardinia

Rif.78 New apartment in Olbia, Sardinia
Rif.78 New apartment in Olbia, Sardinia
Rif.78 New apartment in Olbia, Sardinia
Bendras plotas (m²): 60
Aukštas: -
Pastato aukštai: -
Pastato statybos metai: 2010
Šildymas: Kitas
Pastato tipas: Kitas
Pastato būklė: Naujas namas
Kambarių skaičius: 3
Your property in colorful island of Italy- Sardinia.
Located closer to Africa than Italy, Sardinia’s turquoise sea and white sandy beaches rival the tropics. Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean and is formed by a series of mountainous massifs, hills and narrow highlands. The coasts are jagged and rocky, interspersed with marvelous beaches of very fine sand and countless inlets. The seaside landscapes, especially on the Costa Smeralda, are among the most beautiful in the world. Numerous small, enchanting islets are scattered in front of the coasts. Cagliari is the capital of Sardinia, ruled by a special statute. Other important cities are Alghero, Sassari, Nuoro and Oristano.

New apartment located in Olbia, Murta Maria area. Apartment has three rooms and occupies 60 m2. The flat is located in a residence of row houses on the first floor. Only the high quality materials have been used in internal finish of the house, stone and wood are used in interior. The apartment has a living room with a cooking corner, two bedrooms, a bathroom with a shower and spacious veranda. The flat has a garden, which surrounds a property on two sides. There is a parking place, but it is possible to purchase a garage as well. The flat is equipped with a water reserve container. This property is a good investment as it can be easily put for rent during summer season or used as a holiday home. Price 175.000,00 EUR. See all our offers on
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Atsitiktiniai nekilnojamojo turto skelbimai

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Naujas butas su vaizdu į jūrą Villajoyosa
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Butas su vaizdu į jūrą Benidorme,Ispanija
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